Calories, calories, calories...
Bought Hershey's Special Dark Choco from 7-11 . Didn't realised tht its dark choco when i bought it.. LOLOLOL . Now, im regretting it. There's 10 calories per pieces -_____- Can you imagine how fat i will be after eating th whole box of this dark choco? LOL . Somemore i got NAPFA tmrw, psh. Confirm cannot make it alrdy.
Bought Slurpee, alot alot alot of chocos & my lunch :3 . My hand look so man. #likeaboss. K, im about to do my homework right now. Maybe im dying my hair later after my parents come back? o; Hope i can. So ya, CHIONG AH ! CHIONG MY HOMEWORK. GO JERMIN GO . K, byebye :O ! Look out for my next post ^^
Signing off,
Jermin :D